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Unfortunately, Aaron…

Simply airing up the tires on that dolly will not do the trick. It needs to have one of two things happen to it: 1) Replace the pneumatic tires with solid rubber tires; or, 2) Take the dolly and kindly place it somewhere people not lifting very heavy things (i.e. your speakers and amps) can use it and replace it.

The problem with the dolly is the design. It was made for light residential use. You know, like taking a trash can to the curb or wheeling a UPS delivery of socks from QVC inside the house. By airing the tires you may have actually created more of a problem as when the heavy speakers, amps, etc are placed on the dolly, they will inevitably tilt and tip to one side.

I staunchly agree with your father on this issue. The dolly needs real wheels instead of toy wheels…

Have a great show tonight and tell Jim he is going to have to blog again soon or else…
