I love me some Mexican beer. But why does it have to be so expensive? Imports, I got it. Anyway, I have some recomendations on some really excellent beer. the first is a beer called “Sol” (sun in spanish)…………I did pass my spanish class with an “A” this semester……..and that’s what I learned “Sol” means “sun”, and it is a fabulous beer to drink. The beer gets even better when you stick a damn lime in it……it’s like taking a drink of the sun…..yet…..less hot……………………………………………………………………………………I really have no idea what the hell I’m talking about. However, an update from my last blog. I am slowly figuring out this Red Dirt Country thing. It’s not country…….but it is…….but it’s not….I don’t wear boots and that’s okay……………I’m really bad at playing just a simple country beat…………but that’s okay sometimes too! Slowly but surely I’ll figure this damn genre out, I swear. Back to beer, mmmm, Tecate……..I know everyone and their dog knows about Tecate, but! what not everyone know is how you need to get each beer. Here’s a list:
1.) Tecate – cans, preferably in a six pack – note: you can buy alot of six packs to make the night long.
2.) Corona – always bottles (But we all know Corona is like the Budweiser of Mexico)
3.)Sol – Always buy in 32 oz. bottle[s], pour in a cup and serve with lime, it’ll rock your socks off!
4.) Dos Equis (That’s “XX” for you who are not trained in the arts of Spanish, as I am.) Just drink it out of the bottle. Also try amber.
……………..More to come………..I swear……….This is just a taste…………………………………………………..
I am on this endeavor to find many mexican beers because Mexico holds the best Brewmasters in el Mundo, That’s “the world”. I’ve rambled enough…