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The New Year

Christmas is behind and the new year is on its way in. I’ve got no big plans for anything this year except playing music. I’m hoping for some big things from the ATB this year. We’ve finally booked Longhorn’s in Manhattan and that has me all ramped up. It should be a good show!
Guse, my other band just finished our demo. or if you would like to check out the tunes!

I’m looking to get into a house soon because I’m running out of space as my kit gets larger and my wife’s artistic endeavor grows. Bobbie had her first art show outside of artschool. It went really well, she sold ten pieces and made a good amount of money doing so. She is now working towards her show in February at the Lawrence Public Library. The show starts on the first, we are having a reception the first weekend in February, and runs until the 28th of February. Be sure to get your ass over here and take a peek, she’s done some really beautiful work for this show. Everyone is invited to the reception if you would like to come just contact me and I’ll give you the skinney.

I managed to pass both of my classes this semester with a B and an A. The B was in my spanish class so I don’t feel too bad about it. The good thing is I don’t have to take another spanish course ever.
No quiero tampoco!

Anyway, life is good in general and hopefully things will be good in 2007. Best wishes for the new year to everyone and we’ll hopefully see you soon!